ERAA Dell EMC Study - Многоцентровое исследование Third Wave :: Big Data Analytics Study «Third Wave» arrangement by Approach of Bill Schmarzo

Posted: 17:47 02-09-2015
First phase of Big Data Analytics
 Volunteer Multiсenter Study
provided by
EMC Academic Alliance Russia & CIS
arranged by 6 Steps Approach
of Bill Schmarzo


Olga Kolesnichenko, Editor in Chief of Security Analysis Bulletin, PhD, Moscow;
Gennady Smorodin, Head of EMC Academic Alliance Russia & CIS, PhD, MBA, St. Petersburg;
Victor Dashonok, Deputy Head of Department of Information and Computing Systems, postgraduate, St. Petersburg State University of Railways of Emperor Alexander I, EMC Academic Alliance Russia & CIS, St. Petersburg;
Bill Schmarzo, Chief Technology Officer, EMC Global Services Big Data Practice;
Iliya Ilyin, Dean of the Faculty of global processes, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Professor, Doctor of Political Sciences, Moscow;
Oleg Zhurenkov, Department of Mathematics and engineering computer science in economics, Altai Academy of Economics and Law, Associate Professor, PhD, Barnaul;
Lev Mazelis, Head of the Department of Mathematics and Modeling, Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Vladivostok;
Dariya Yakovleva, Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service, Assistant of the Department of Information Technology and Systems, Vladivostok;
Yuriy Kolesnichenko, Chief Technical Officer of Cybersecurity, Security Analysis Bulletin, Moscow.

Multiсenter Study
«Third Wave»

EMC Chief Technology Officer Bill Schmarzo has developed the 6 Steps Approach to the successful implementation of Big Data Analytics projects that is called «Thinking Like A Data Scientist».

The essence of the Approach is the planning of studies and determining the relevant reference points.
  • Step 1: Identify Key Business Initiative.
  • Step 2: Identify Strategic Nouns.
  • Step 3: Brainstorm Strategic Noun Questions. Descriptive Analytics: Understanding what happened; Predictive Analytics: Predicting what is likely to happen; Prescriptive Analytics: Recommending what to do next.
  • Step 4: By Analysis.
  • Step 5: Score Technique.
  • Step 6: Close The Loop. Recommendations Worksheet.
The Multiсenter Study «Third Wave» is presented thorough Bill Schmarzo 6 Steps Approach.

The arrangement of Big Data Analytics Multiсenter Study
«Third Wave»
in accordance with the 6 Steps Approach* of Bill Schmarzo (EMC)

* Bill Schmarzo. Thinking Like a Data Scientist (Parts I-III)// In Focus. EMC Blog. 2015.

The results of Big Data Analytics Multiсenter Study «Third Wave»
in accordance with the 6 Steps Approach* of Bill Schmarzo (EMC)

* Bill Schmarzo. Thinking Like a Data Scientist (Parts I-III)// In Focus. EMC Blog. 2015.

Big Data that are presented as circular diagrams, are close to ranking of the countries in some related indexes:

Ranking of the countries by criteria identified in the study
«Third Wave»,
from better
forecast (light bars) to worse forecast (dark bars)

The ranking of the countries by criteria identified in the Study «Third Wave».
External first circle – colors from better forecast (light bars) to worse forecast (dark bars) for the countries.
Second circle – dataficated predominant keywords, which determine the positive or negative groups (D – «Development» or «Democracy», T – «Terrorist», N – «Narcotic»).
Third circle – dataficated predominant keywords, which determine the change of technological order «IT» in 2015 or absence of change of technological order «O» (Oil).
Fourth circle – «S+», growth of dataficated keywords «solar panels» from 2008 to 2015, or absence of growth.
Inside fifth circle – «DI+», growth of dataficated keywords «drip irrigation» from 2008 to 2015, or absence of growth.

Ranking of the countries by Index of Economic Freedom
with criteria identified in the study «Third Wave»
 from better forecast (light bars) to worse forecast (dark bars)
(circles and bars' color accord to criteria identified for every country in study «Third Wave»)

Ranking of the countries by Fragile States Index

with criteria identified in the study «Third Wave»,
 from better forecast (light bars) to worse forecast (dark bars)
(circles and bars' color accord to criteria identified for every country in study «Third Wave»)

Ranking of the countries by Networked Readiness Index

with criteria identified in the study «Third Wave»,
 from better forecast (light bars) to worse forecast (dark bars)
(circles and bars' color accord to criteria identified for every country in study «Third Wave»)


Text's Big Data have to be investigated to develop new indexes for rating of the countries.

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